Standard Terms & Conditions
Procurement & Payment Terms
Payment Terms – 30 Days from statement, or as otherwise agreed in writing with WPCP subject to:
- Manufactured to Client’s specification.
- WPCP has received payment from Client or End User.
- Rates are fixed, unless specifically agreed.
- Invoices to (Please) be submitted by the 20th of the month. Any invoices submitted thereafter will fall into the following month’s allocations in line with our ability to claim on our contracts.
- Payments will only be done on receipt of original valid Invoices and Statements, BASED ON OUR ENGINEERS APPROVAL OF YOUR PAYMENT CLAIM IN THE CASE OF A SUBCONTRACTER TO WPCP.
- Payments are limited to the value stated on the Purchase Order.
- All Invoices must be delivered to 10 Sucrose Crescent, Mt Edgecombe, and emailed to reception@wpcp.co.za.
- Advanced notice of delivery or QA or QCP or FAT tests, to be done prior to the 20th of the month (Please).
- Final acceptance/F.A.T and approved and released by the Client/End User PRIOR to any invoicing.
- O&M Manuals/ QA Data Packs/ calibration certificates must be received by WPCP.
Specific T&C’s, where WPCP is employed as a Sub-Contractor to a Main Contractor:
- Our tender offer/quotation is submitted on the understanding that the terms and conditions of any Agreement entered into between WPCP and the Main Contractor, will be no more onerous than the terms and conditions of the Principal Agreement.
- Notwithstanding clause ref (“vesting of plant & materials”) the materials and equipment brought onto site by WPCP or sorted off site, remains the property of WPCP until payment in full has been received by WPCP.
- Our offer includes for exchange rate at the time of tendering, applicable to, but not limited to Forward Cover. We have not allowed for this in our P&G amount. We have presumed that you, as the main contractor, would have allowed for this.
- We have NOT allowed for the following: Ablution Facilities; Electrical application & free issue of supply; Any Civil Work including grouting in of pipe items, earthworks, trenching, excavation, backfilling ; and cutting of exposed reinforcing in box cut outs.
- Cranage: We have assumed free “reasonable” use of the on-site main contractor’s cranes. We will however supply our own 50 Ton crane for the filter media off-loading.
- Electrical / instrumentation cabling. We have not allowed for ANY wiring up, or cabling of instruments, dosing pumps, pumps, etc. We have only allowed for the physical/ mechanical aspects of the installation of these items.
- Safety Officer. Whilst we have in our employ a full time SHEQ manager, we have not costed to have him/her on any one site, on a fulltime basis.
- Price Adjustment: Our price offer is subject to escalation as per the allowance in the contract data of the main contract.
- WPCP may reserve the right to tender to a Tri-Partite Cession Agreement between the Employer, the Main Contractor and WPCP as provided for in the Principal Agreement for direct payment from the Employer.
- The following is to be provided by the Main Contractor, at no charge :
a. 220v power for small tools, within 50m of work place.
b. Scaffolding, installed & removed, to facilitate a safe working environment, where required.
c. If equipment is stored on site, Main Contractor it to provide secure, insured & controlled site storage.
d. Free access to drinking water and ablution facilities, acceptable accommodation for (2) erectors only.
e. Pumping of water for any reason is excluded from our prices.
f. WPCP would prefer to hire non-skilled labour from the main contractor at an agreed day rate, this to promote labour/ union harmony on site.
g. Main Contractor to obtain & provide work permit for our installation team, if required.