Package Modules

Modern Drinking Water Treatment Plants

Transforming raw surface water from dams and rivers, or in some cases underground or water for reuse, into pristine drinking water that is safe for human consumption represents a triumph of engineering and chemistry.

With our innovative design and in-depth technical knowledge, WPCP offers treatment plants which are consistently effective and reliable.

Skid Mounted Drinking Water Plants

Capacity: 1000 - 3000 ℓ/hr Suitable for:

  • Game Ranches, Farms & Small communities.


  • Portability - All equipment is secured to a rugged, portable, epoxy coated steel skid.
  • The plant is designed to handle a wide range of water conditions i.e. from low to high turbidity water.
  • Water quality: SANS 241:2001 Drinking Water Specification.

    We offer:

    WPCP Flocculant supplied to suit water conditions. Disinfection using our Bromine/Chlorine "Bromochlor" tablets via a tablet feeder. Rental option with chemical supply and / or full maintenance agreement.
  • Containerised Drinking Water Plants

    Capacities: 6 - 24m³/hr


    Portability - All equipment is secured and housed in a new 6 metre shipping container. The plant is designed to handle a wide range of water conditions i.e. from low to high turbidity water.
    Water quality: SANS 241 Drinking Water Specification.

    Gumbi Package Plant installed by WPCP:

    We offer:

  • WPCP Flocculant supplied to suit water conditions.
  • Disinfection using our Bromine/Chlorine “Bromochlor” tablets via a table feeder.
  • Rental option with chemical supply and / or full maintenance agreement.